Various things we wrote


A little known secret about PaleoSun

At PaleoSun, we don’t just develop attractive and useful web based interfaces, we also build standup furniture for standup people. That’s right! Smack dab in the middle of our PaleoSun campus, within the far reaches of our high security PaleoSun compound, deep down in the bowels of the PaleoSun Multiplex office building, is a super-duper secret laboratory where we make spiffy wood and iron workstations. Here’s an exclusive look at a custom standing-height desk just completed…


It is difficult to ignore the overwhelming value in these back-protecting devices as well as the deep and regenerative calm one might get from such extraordinary beauty. That is why we can no longer keep this information from the world. Though it may seem provocative, we shall, right here in this blog, bring complete transparency to our work and in so doing attempt to change the course of history forever. Follow us now on a short journey as we reveal it all.

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words… especially if it is a picture of a thousand words. Our first step was to draw pictures of our ideas largely inspired by research. Here are some pictures I drew.

We can’t just dream these beauties into existence so our next adventure is in finding the raw materials. In this case, Habitat for Humanity was a good source. We bought a whole pile of square table tops discarded after a diner renovation. Then we joined them together.

Sometimes the parts don’t just snap together by themselves even if we are using some modern standard of magic and spell casting best practices. These two oak restaurant tables received a little help from a biscuit jointer and some wood glue.

This danish oil helps protect the wood from the harsh conditions imposed throughout the life of a standing height desk.

This scrap metal from the Biltmore Iron and Metal Co. along with a few rivets makes a fine lampshade.

If Restoration Hardware has taught us anything it’s that old school Edison looking bulbs make any environment look rad.

Accessories like this fancy footrest complete the aesthetic and make your work environment the envy of the office.

Well, there you have it. The truth has been revealed and now the world is a better place. You’re welcome.

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